Turin (Italy), April 5, 2020

To Ursula von der Leyen, Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde,

To the three most powerful women in Europe, I would respectfully like to present the following message, woman to woman. It is a very important and urgent message for the future of democracy in the world and, for this reason, in my opinion even more important than the fight against Nazi Fascism in the 1940s.

I would like to remind you all that presently you are at the helm in Europe, and that the 12 stars of the European flag represent the crown of stars of the Woman of the Apocalypse.

The Woman of the Apocalypse fills the whole universe with her presence, but is attacked while giving birth by a dragon that wants to eat the baby she is delivering. Consequently, she is forced to run away and seek refuge on Earth, which accepts them both.

I am convinced that this image, in its symbolic form, is telling us that it is women who will save human kind, as it is women who bear life in their wombs. Its symbolism suggests the whole creation of human kind and the value of life in all its expressions.

In this historical moment humankind and its whole history are at stake. The sheer strength of human community is at stake: solidarity and social life. These are values that qualify human life in its complexity of historical evolution and enabled the course of history itself with all its achievements.

Women, biologically, are predisposed to procreate. Women know they are created to create. They know their mission carries great responsibility to ensure the future generations are grown and enriched by their historical heritage and sage life experience.

It is an experience that each and every woman knows and not only because she can give birth to life but even more because she is capable of looking after it in all its expressions. A woman leads, supports and grows her family by integrating key relational morals, cultural values and accountability towards one another. This is the true distinction, power and essence of women, reinforced by the continual understanding of humanity.

I believe the time has come for women to draw on this essence without the need to show men our ability to govern life and write our stories, as we know how and always did. More importantly, we must be accountable for ourselves, with awareness and respect for humanity. For without human beings, all riches are worthless and every reality loses meaning.

The governors responsibility in this moment of radical and worldwide change is to understand that the solution is not the strong vs. the weak, but putting humanity’s value first.

This is why I am asking you to be faithful to the European project derived from the desire for peace and fellowship that was so strong after the tragedy of WW2.

I believe the moment has come for women to act like women on behalf of all humankind; this is what our history demands of us.

Thank you for your attention.

Grazia Baroni

Grazia Baroni

10128 Turin – Italy

Via Gioberti, 35

Grazia Baroni – Short Biography

Grazia Baroni was born in Turin (Italy) in 1951. Since then she became a teacher in arts and subsequently earned a Master’s degree in Architecture. She taught drawing techniques and history of arts in high school for thirty years. She contributed to the foundation of CRST (R&D centre for local social development) and cooperated with projects for labour and integrated disciplines company (CELIT). She is also an esteemed member of the Cultural Centre Nova Cana (Pavia, Italy).

After retirement, in 2008, she actively continued with her cultural and social engagement and cooperated with several initiatives among which a group called “Molecole” to identify positive features that can contributed to social change.